Is it safe to drink alcohol?
Check with your doctor to ensure that alcohol does not interfere with your medications or complicate any of their medical conditions. Drinking alcohol can lead to serious reactions of low sugar in the blood, especially if you are taking insulin or types of diabetes pills that stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas. Alcohol can also affect other medical conditions that may have, as the damage to nerves due to diabetes, diabetic eye disease, and high blood triglycerides. Get guidelines for the use of alcohol on the part of the medical professional.
Diabetes and Alcohol Drink Consumption
If you choose to drink alcohol, drink in moderation. Limit your intake of alcohol, or no more than one measure per day for women and no more than two steps per day for men.
A measure of alcohol is equivalent to a:
12 ounces of beer
5 ounces of wine
1½ ounces of distilled beverages (such as rum, whisky, gin, etc.)
Alcohol and the risk of low blood sugar
If you are only driving diabetes with diet and exercise, drinking alcohol still can increase your risk of low sugars in blood. And if you take insulin or types of diabetes pills that stimulate the production of insulin, drinking alcohol can lead to even more serious low blood sugar reactions.
Normally, the liver releases glucose to keep blood sugar levels in blood. But when you drink alcohol, the liver is busy breaking down the alcohol, which does a bad job by releasing glucose into the bloodstream. This can lead to a drop in blood sugar levels if you are drinking alcohol on an empty stomach.
Each alcoholic drink takes approximately 1-1 ½ hours to complete the process in the liver. During that time, there is the risk of low blood sugar. So, if you take 2 drinks, double that time: will be at risk of having low sugars in blood of 2 to 3 hours. When more alcohol is consumed, the greater the risk of a serious fall of sugar in blood.
The solution? Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. ALWAYS drink alcohol with a meal or snack containing carbohydrates. Never skip meals or replace alcohol with a meal.
Also follow these safety tips:
Know the symptoms of a sugar low (hypoglycemia) blood and inform others. If it is truer, those who are nearby have to know that this is a medical emergency, not only a sign of intoxication.
Use the bracelet's ID medical alert at all times.
Bring a source of carbohydrates, such as glucose tablets, in the event of a fall in sugar.
Monitor your sugar blood more often. The effects of alcohol can make it difficult to detect the symptoms of a low blood sugar.
In cases of a severe blood sugar low, perhaps the glucagon injections do not work effectively to raise blood sugar, since the hormone glucagon stimulates the liver to release glucose and alcohol prevents this process.
If you combine exercise with alcohol, the risk of a decline in sugar in blood is even greater. Since more exercise lower blood sugar levels in blood, control the sugar in blood more often. You may need a drink with carbohydrates to avoid a decline of sugar in blood.
Care for the good of his heart and the circumference of your waist
Alcohol has calories and few nutrients. Therefore it is often said that alcohol is "empty calories". When the liver breaks down the alcohol, the alcohol it becomes fat. This means that drinking alcohol can make you gain weight. At the rate of 7 calories per gram, alcohol has almost the same density of calories than the FAT (9 calories per gram). From there comes the beer belly! The use of alcohol can also lead to fats or triglycerides, elevated in blood, which raises the risk of heart disease.
Are some alcoholic drinks better than others?
To meet its objectives to manage your sugar blood, body weight and heart health, keep these tips in mind:
If you are struggling to lose weight, limit the intake of alcohol. Or consider avoiding alcohol to liberate your diet of empty calories.
Watch the mixtures rich in calories and carbohydrates, such as common soda, juices and tonic water. Choose diet soda, juice diet, water diet tonic and soda / water gasified instead of the previous ones.
Choose light beer (low-alcohol / calories) instead of common beer.
Choose dry wines instead of sparkling wines, wines for dessert, sweet wines and wine-based drinks.
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